Saturday, May 30, 2015

Suck It Up And Deal... Dress Codes Matter

Listen up kids, put away the kik, quit snap chatting, set your iPhone down, stop worrying if your eyebrows are on fleek, get rid of the booze and pot, shit is about to get real! I am not here to hate on y'all, but what the hell are y'all doing with your lives? I have seen videos fighting over petty shit. I have seen comments that make absolutely no sense... like are you drunk or high? I've seen videos of some smoking pot or taking shots. Think about how your mother or even grandmother would feel. Stop the madness!!

My rant here today will be the school dress code, it's a rule, right? Why do some of you fight the rules? Let me preface by saying that it will never end. Dress codes will never go away no matter the age. Someday, you'll get a job and guess what... there will be a dress code. Inevitably, you will attend a funeral... dress code. Maybe you are interviewing for a job... dress code! One day if you get enough money and want to eat at one of those fancy restaurants, guess what again.. dress freaking code! You cannot run from it.

Been there, done that. I hated dress codes in school. I couldn't find shorts to reach the end of my fingertips, I wanted purple hair, cute strapless sandals, it was hard enough to find a shirt long enough to cover my midriff when I raised my hands. I know, first world problems. And I'll be damned if I ever raised my voice when the teacher or principle told me I needed to change, it never crossed my mind to become defensive, or to cry poor me. I put on that long ass t-shirt, went back to class to get my learn on. And shame on your mamas for trying to defend you when you knowingly went against the dress code! Shame, Shame Shame, their mama is probably shaking their head at your mama for allowing you to go against the published rules.

I don't understand why children think they are better than rules. You are at school to learn, plain and simple. You are not there to worry about what's fair or that boys can't focus because your tits and ass are hanging out. I'd be staring at you too. What you need to worry about is shutting your mouth, learn  about Quantum Physics, and get that diploma.

Save the butt shorts for non school hours and shutttttt up!

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