Friday, May 1, 2015

Are you a humble brag?

When you see a homeless person do you try to give what you can? If you see someone is being picked on, do you stop and help? Do you help the elderly? Have you gone out of your way to open the door for someone? Have you ever paid for a strangers drink or food? Picked up a hitchhiker? Paid a tab for somebody in the military? Have you ever tipped your server more than 20%? Saved a life?

If you can say yes to any of the above, here is what I have to say to you. You're a wonderful person. It takes a special kind of human to go out of their way to do good for a complete stranger. Yes, you do deserve praise, but from who? Social media? Somebody that you are trying to impress? To help yourself feel better? All of which is just a little disheartening in my opinion. Why do you need to advertise the good things you've done? Boasting about yourself is begging for praise when the whole idea of giving is to lend a helping hand. That's all it is. When you give somebody something it should be a selfless act. Actions speak louder than words. So why brag about it? Why make it your Facebook status or Tweet it? It's an act of kindness, not a 'look at me, look what I did.' 

All I can hope from this post is that you will rethink your acts of kindness. 

Are you a humble brag?

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